Young Adult Ministry

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Ministry Leader:
Regular Meeting Time:
Young Adult Bible Study
Every Saturday (Except 1st Saturday) | 10:00 am
Young Adult Dance Ministry
Every Other Saturday | 11:00 am
Young Adult Usher's Meeting
Every 2nd Saturday | 11:00 am
Mission Statement
The Young Adult Ministry seeks to be obedient to the Will of God by “bridging the gap” between our youth and mature adults, sinners and saints, and the Church and the community it serves. It is our unified purpose to set the example for those yet to come, and to learn from those who have gone before us. We also seek, to learn, develop, and utilize various leadership skills within our church and community in order to maintain and preserve our church’s Christian legacy. Lastly, we seek to discover and use our God-given spiritual gifts in the support of the ongoing education and spreading of God’s Word.
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Scholarship Ministry | Solace Ministry | Sunday School Ministry | Trustee Ministry | Tutorial Ministry | Usher Ministry | Young Adult Ministry | Youth Ministry