Our First Lady
Kathleen Gow was born in Albuquerque, NM, to Tommy Gow and Odelia Garcia Gow. She is the middle child of five. The Gow and Garcia families have a long history in Albuquerque, dating back to the 1700’s. The majority of the family still reside in Albuquerque and are close-knit.
Kathy graduated from Albuquerque High School with a 4.0 GPA. She immediately became employed by Mountain Bell followed by employment at Kirtland Air Force Base. Her life was simple and uneventful until she met Frank Marvin Davis, who was vacationing in Albuquerque. They corresponded long distance and soon their relationship blossomed.
Kathy transferred to Lowry Air Force Base in Denver and then to Fitzsimons Army Medical Center. She and Frank were married on July 6, 1981. They have five children; Letitia, Jevon, Sheriee, Francine, and Frank, Jr. and seventeen grandchildren.
Kathy was born and raised in the Catholic faith. When her husband joined Zion Baptist Church in 1982, she came also, as an observer. But, as God would have it, Pastor Wendell T. Liggins preached sermons that touched her heart and she found the Lord and became a member of Zion in September, 1982.
Sis. Davis has been faithful and active in the Zion Baptist Church ministries and has served on the Children’s Ministry, Young Matrons and St. Luke Day Ministry. Zion has been a blessing in her life. Five years ago, Sis. Davis had a near death experience. God allowed her to live and she is grateful and more determined than ever to serve him. She became a part of the Deaconess Ministry in April, 2008, and continues to pray that God will show her what He would have her to do.
She is supportive of her husband as he preaches God’s Word, pastors God’s people and throughout his tenue as president of the WSBC. Pastor Davis is often quoted as saying, “I am the happiest pastor in the world." Sis. Davis says, “I am the happiest wife of the happiest pastor in the world.”
Her favorite scripture is Matthew 5:44, “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you," because this is the greatest challenge for her.