Children's Ministry
Children's Church!!
returns for the season!!
Each 2nd and 3rd Sundays 10:00 - 11:00 AM!!
Service in Bledsoe Hall (downstairs)
Mission Statement
The mission of the Children’s Ministry Team is to plan, organize and implement programs, activities and worship services appropriate for children between the ages of 5 and 12 that will train them in a spiritual, Christ-like manner so that they are equipped to disciple their peers, carrying out the great commission.

Annual Children's Day June 2024
If you would like to be a part of the Children's Ministry or offer a helping hand, please connect with
Rev Anthony Hodges 303-503-4752
Events and Children's Choir rehearsals, dates forthcoming.
Ministry Leaders: Sis Rina Hernandez & Ministry Team!
Children's Minister: Rev. Anthony Hodges
Monthly Children’s Ministry Activities
Kids Bible Club with free hot breakfast
Children’s Church
2nd & 3rd Sundays
10:00 to 11:00 am
Main Sanctuary
4th Sundays 10:30am -
The children minister upstairs in the main sanctuary (Usher & Choir)
To be resumed, Watch for future notice!!
Children’s Choir and Jr. Ushers
(planning forward to resume ... )
Choir Practice
Usher Practice

Children's ushers 2015

Altar Guild Ministry | Children’s Ministry | Counseling Ministry | Deacon Ministry | Deaconess Ministry | Evangelism Ministry | General Mission Ministry
Health Ministry | Historian Ministry | Hospitality Ministry | Job Ministry | Laymen’s Ministry | Music Ministry | New Members Ministry | Nursery Ministry | Prayer Band Ministry
Scholarship Ministry | Solace Ministry | Sunday School Ministry | Trustee Ministry | Tutorial Ministry | Usher Ministry | Young Adult Ministry | Youth Ministry