To all who are weary and need rest; to all who are lonely and want friendship; to all who mourn and need comfort; to all who pray, and to all who do not, but ought; to all who sin and need a Savior; and to all whosoever will – this Church opens wide the door and says in the name of the Lord Jesus. Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. (I Chronicles 16:29)
Rev. Dr. Frank M. Davis, Pastor
We invite you to join us at any or all of our regularly scheduled worship services, prayer meetings and General Mission Bible studies. We look forward to fellowship with you!
9:00 am
10:30 am
Sunday School
Zion Baptist Church Prayer Conference Line
8:00 AM, 12:00 NOON, 6:00 PM
Just Dial (712) 432-3900 –
The access code: 283505#

7:00 pm
Praise and Prayer Service
Special Announcements: Letter from Pastor
Greetings in the Gracious, Great, and Glorious name of our Lord, King, and Savior, Jesus Christ!
First, let me thank God for counting me worthy to serve in this wonderful historical sanctuary, Zion Baptist Church, where His Spirit has guarded and guided for 158 years. Serving as your pastor, for thirty (30) years now, I have been blessed abundantly with His grace and mercy, and for this I am everlastingly grateful.
I praise God for the membership and ministries of our Church. Every one of you, by your faithful witness, love, prayers, and support, have enabled us to serve our God, this Community, City, and country, effectively and efficiently. I say with a heart of humility, “I am the happiest pastor in all the world, not because of where I sit, but because of who I sit and serve with”. God has afforded me the blessed privilege to sit and serve with some of the greatest saints on this side of Heaven.
With COVID-19 in the rear view mirror, by God’s grace and mercy, we are facing a new church year. We enter this “New Church Year”, with a tremendous amount of thanksgiving and gratitude, and with “Joyful Expectations”. This past year, we have encountered changes, challenges, joys, and sorrows, but thank God, we made it!
Our Church Theme this year is, “Living A Cross-Shaped Life”
(Matthew 16:24) “Then Said Jesus Unto His Disciples, If Any Man Will Come After Me, Let Him Deny Himself, And Take Up His Cross, And Follow Me”. Our theme mandates us to serve as God’s connection with people in making disciples for Jesus Christ. This is a call for our Church to move from the “Pause” to the “Reset Button”. We must serve both “Vertically” and “Horizontally”.
Vertically – This means that we must consider our relationship with God, what God has done for us, the love flowing from God to us, connecting us to God in Heaven. This is simply reminding us to always look up to God. (Psalm 121:1-2)
Horizontally – This means that we should also consider our relationship with people, what we must do for others, love flowing from us to others, going out in to the world, from east to west, spreading the Good News of the Gospel. It simply means “Practical Christian Living”. It calls for us to always look around. (1 John 3:17)
Living A Cross-Shaped Life does not mean perfect living, but rather “Intentional Gospel-Center Living”. It means living a life that points people to Jesus by reflecting the Gospel. Our theme is both attainable and practical, it petitions us to “Win People For Christ” – “Train People To Serve Christ” – and “Equip People To Go For Christ”!
May the Peace, Power, and Presence of God give us the Persistence to accomplish His mandate for His Church, as we lift up the theme: “Living A Cross-Shaped Life”!
Blessings and Peace,
Rev Dr Frank M Davis, Pastor
"​A Servant of Christ"
Upcoming Special Events

Western States Laymen Colorado/Wyoming, an auxiliary of the Western States Baptist Convention will host the
​Friday, April 25, 2025 thru Sunday April 27, 2025
Double Tree by Hilton Denver Tech Center
78 E. Orchard Road Greenwood Village, CO 80111
For more information: clic here for
Deacon Ministry page
Contact is Deacon Michael D. Sanderson
Zion Music Ministry
Sanctuary Choir rehearsals on
Thursdays, 7:00 PM
Men's Chorus on 2nd Sundays each month
Rehearsals are Tuesdays, 7:00 PM​
You are invited to PRAISE with us
Bishop Charles L Jackson, Director of Music
Children's Church
2nd and 3rd Sundays, 2024-2025
Please join us from 10 - 11AM for Children's Church Service in Bledsoe Hall (downstairs)
Zion Senior and Community Resource Center
Upcoming features on the page ...
Current list of activities and events
Join us for Bible Study
Tuesdays from 12 noon - 1:00 PM at
the Center
5151 East 33rd Ave, Denver 80207
Our Historical Perspective
​Zion Baptist Church then
Zion Baptist Church Present Day



The Zion archival collection is now available!!! The archive is deposited at Denver's Blair-Caldwell African American Research Library 2401 Welton Street, Denver, Colorado 80205, reflects Zion's rich and dynamic history from 1863-2019. Zion's documents can be used at the library by the general public for research projects and enjoyment.
Zion's collections consist of a variety of information including the 9-volume 4,000 page book, They Came to Colorado with the Dust of Slavery on Their Backs: The History of Zion Baptist Church 1863-2001. This includes various obituaries, souvenir programs, and photographs. The materials were collected and donated by Zion Historians Annette R Groves, Clementine W Pigford, and Kathryne A L McKinney.
Please feel free to use these valuable documents about one of Colorado's treasures.
The oldest African American Church in Denver
A Colorado Historical Landmark
Zion’s members have played sterling roles in our city, state, and nation. They have been ex-slaves, laborers, politicians, preachers, teachers, writers, musicians, artists, lawyers, doctors, activists, and many other folk. In many cases they have been the first to act upon and reach for opportunities that traditionally had been denied our people.
Zion Baptist Church was founded by a small group of people that came from other territories and towns. They came to Colorado with limited resources, little education, and wagons filled with determination. Historical records recognize November 15, 1865 as Zion’s official date of origin.